Which prophet is called as Naji ullah...? Mcqs

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Which prophet is called as Naji ullah...?

(i) Hazrat Musa (AS)
(ii) Hazrat Essa (AS)

(iii) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)
(iv) Hazrat Noah (AS)

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Which country is not a member of ASEAN...?

(i) Cambodia
(ii) Indonesia

(iii) Malaysia
(iv) Bangladesh

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He is ill ....... fever?

(i) with
(ii) by

(iii) to
(iv) of

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مراة العروس“ کس کی مشہور تصنیف ہے ؟”...?

(i) ڈپٹی نذیر احمد
(ii) نظیر اکبر آبادی

(iii) میر امین دہلوی
(iv) غلام عباس

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Arafat gathering during Hajj is held on...?

(i) 8 zil Hajj
(ii) 9 Zil Hajj

(iii) 10 Zil Hajj
(iv) 12 Zil Hajj

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The Constitutional Reforms introduced in British India in the year 1909 are generally referred to as:...?

(i) Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms
(ii) Morley-Minto Reforms

(iii) The Communal Award
(iv) The Colonial Reforms

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Indicate the indirect form. Saleem said, "I do not eat mangoes"...?

(i) Saleem said, he did not eat mangoes
(ii) Saleem said that he did not eat mangoes

(iii) Saleem said that he does not eat mangoes
(iv) Saleem exclaimed that he does not eat mangoes

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What is the name of the place where world Trade Centre (USA) was located...?

(i) Ground Zero
(ii) Paradise Point

(iii) Golden Point
(iv) Golden City

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As of 2012, how many countries were memeber of the Non Aligned Movement...?

(i) 100
(ii) 110

(iii) 120
(iv) 130

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Which key will be used to refresh a webpage:...?

(i) F1
(ii) F5

(iii) F10
(iv) None of these

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