Which prophet is called as Naji ullah...? Mcqs

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Which prophet is called as Naji ullah...?

(i) Hazrat Musa (AS)
(ii) Hazrat Essa (AS)

(iii) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)
(iv) Hazrat Noah (AS)

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My elder brother got a motor bike but I ______...?

(i) have not
(ii) has not

(iii) had not
(iv) could not

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Change the narration: I remember my sister taking me to the museum...?

(i) I remember being taken to the museum by my sister
(ii) I remember I was taken to the museum by my sister

(iii) I remember taken to the museum by my sister
(iv) None of these

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Antonym of INGEST is ...?

(i) Disgorge
(ii) Disrupt

(iii) Absorb
(iv) Devour

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Change the voice of the following sentence:The police is looking into the matter...?

(i) Who is the police who is looking into the matter
(ii) Look into the matter, police

(iii) The matter is being looked into by the police
(iv) By which police the matter is being looked into

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What are organized cluster of houses which is small in number called...?

(i) City
(ii) Dwelling

(iii) Hemlet
(iv) None of these

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Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) was granted ‘Permanent Observer status’ in the deliberations of both the United Nations General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council in:____________...?

(i) 2016
(ii) 2017

(iii) 2018
(iv) 2019

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Which country consumed (used) largest quantity of coal in the world...?

(i) Russia
(ii) China

(iii) USA
(iv) India

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The synonyms of FOSTERING is ____________...?

(i) Safeguarding
(ii) Neglecting

(iii) Ignoring
(iv) Nurturing

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Which of the following business terms is derived from the Latin word meaning “to role over”...?

(i) company
(ii) Corporation

(iii) Conglomerate
(iv) Bank

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