Which prophet mentioned first in the Holy Quran...? Mcqs

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Which prophet mentioned first in the Holy Quran...?

(i) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)
(ii) Hazrat Adam (AS)

(iii) Hazrat Nooh (AS)
(iv) Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

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Which acid is present in the sting of ants...?

(i) Formic acid
(ii) Oxalic acid

(iii) Tartaric acid
(iv) None of these

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لارڈ ماؤنٹ بیٹن کب وائسرائے بنے

(i) 1946 مارچ
(ii) مارچ 1947

(iii) مارچ 1948
(iv) مارچ 1944

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UN Security Council’s presidency rotates among its members every moth according to...?

(i) Alphabetically
(ii) Seniority

(iii) Highest GDP
(iv) None of these

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How many surahs of the Holy Quran start with the word Alif-laam-Raa (الر)...?

(i) 1
(ii) 2

(iii) 3
(iv) 4

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Akosombo Dam is constructed on Volta River in...?

(i) Niger
(ii) Egypt

(iii) Ghana
(iv) None of these

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which of the following controls the process of interaction between the user and the operating system...?

(i) user interface
(ii) platform

(iii) screensaver
(iv) none of these

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The sun takes ........... years to travel around the galaxy..?

(i) One Hundred Years
(ii) One millions years

(iii) 225 million years
(iv) 225 years

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What does the phrase at arm's length mean...?

(i) Length of arm
(ii) At a distance

(iii) Insult
(iv) None of these

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Boat of Hazrat Noah (A.S) is called ________...?

(i) Curve
(ii) Arc

(iii) Arrow
(iv) Arrec

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