Which river is the longest in Africa...? Mcqs

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Which river is the longest in Africa...?

(i) Congo River
(ii) Everest

(iii) Nile River
(iv) Annapurna

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Current World Bank President is...?

(i) Ajay Banga
(ii) Strauss Kahn

(iii) Shakour Shaalan
(iv) None of these

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_________is standing straight during Rukus...?

(i) Qauma
(ii) Jalsa

(iii) Qayaam
(iv) Qaada

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International Day of Yoga is celebrated every year on _____________...?

(i) 21 April
(ii) 21 June

(iii) 31 July
(iv) 31 August

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“Al-Kitāb al-mukhtaṣar fī ḥisāb al-jabr wa’l-muqābala” was written by: __________...?

(i) Al-Khuwarizmi
(ii) Ibne Sina

(iii) Al Haysam
(iv) None of these

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The synonym of "Abandon" is:...?

(i) Gain
(ii) Vacate

(iii) Occupy
(iv) Foil

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Which of the following is not a major reason for an email bounce...?

(i) Bad user account name
(ii) bad domain name

(iii) Stale file handle
(iv) domain server is down

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Basic pillars of Islam are...?

(i) 4
(ii) 6

(iii) 5
(iv) 7

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What makes a lemon sour...?

(i) Tartaric acid
(ii) Citric acid

(iii) Acetic acid
(iv) Hydrochloric acid

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Buraq Air is an airline of___________...?

(i) Libya
(ii) Syria

(iii) Jordan
(iv) Turkey

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