Which rocks make the earth's surface or crust...? Mcqs

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Which rocks make the earth's surface or crust...?

(i) Sedimentary
(ii) Igneous

(iii) Metamorphics
(iv) All Of Above

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Which of the following is a Change Case in MS-Word ...?

(i) Sentence Case
(ii) Lowercase

(iii) Toggle Case
(iv) All of these

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Which Angel is appointed for providing Food?...?

(i) Hazrat Gebriel AS
(ii) Hazrat Israfeel AS

(iii) Hazrat Meekal AS
(iv) Hazrat Izrail AS

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Banjosa Lake is situated in:...?

(i) Swat
(ii) Gilgit Baltistan

(iii) AJK
(iv) Karachi

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Mir Sadiq held the post of a minister in the cabinet of ________...?

(i) Tipu Sultan
(ii) Mohammad Ali Khan

(iii) Mustafa II
(iv) Osman III

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Antonym of “dearth” is...?

(i) Lack
(ii) Poverty

(iii) Abundance
(iv) Foreing

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'Taipei' is the capital of...?

(i) North Korea
(ii) South Korea

(iii) Cambodia
(iv) Taiwan

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The continuous movement of continents is called continental...?

(i) Shakes
(ii) Drift

(iii) Move
(iv) Motion

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What was the name of Atomic Bomb that dropped on the city of Hiroshima...?

(i) Little Boy
(ii) Fat Boy

(iii) Little Man
(iv) Fat Man

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مراة العروس“ کس کی مشہور تصنیف ہے ؟”...?

(i) ڈپٹی نذیر احمد
(ii) نظیر اکبر آبادی

(iii) میر امین دہلوی
(iv) غلام عباس

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