Which simplifies the process of formatting text if the same formatting is required in more than one location...? Mcqs

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Which simplifies the process of formatting text if the same formatting is required in more than one location...?

(i) Auto Text
(ii) Format Painter

(iii) Font dialog box
(iv) None of the above

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What was the age of Hazrat Abbas (R.A) At the time of Karbala Tragedy...?

(i) 31
(ii) 32

(iii) 33
(iv) None of These

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Largest Gulf in the World is__________...?

(i) Persian Gulf
(ii) Mexico Gulf

(iii) Gulf of Oman
(iv) Gulf of Africa

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Who is the Current President of International Court of Justice(ICJ) ...?

(i) Judge Nawaf Salam
(ii) Joan E. Donoghue

(iii) Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf
(iv) Basharul Asad

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Which of the following is considered the deepest lake of the world...?

(i) Lake Victoria
(ii) Lake Superior

(iii) Lake Baikal
(iv) Lake Erie

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Which from the following countries is NOT a member of European Union...?

(i) Norway
(ii) Ireland

(iii) Malta
(iv) Estonia

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Antonym of Dastard:...?

(i) Open
(ii) Concise

(iii) Craven
(iv) Hero

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Synonym of “tenacity” is _________...?

(i) persistence
(ii) game played on grass

(iii) large town
(iv) indifference

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Whose entrance into NATO prompted the Soviet Union to create its own alliance: the Warsaw Pact...?

(i) Austria
(ii) East Germany

(iii) Poland
(iv) West Germany

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Synonym of “knack” is _____________....?

(i) bruise
(ii) ability

(iii) keepsake
(iv) scoundrel

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