Which Surah is so called “The Heifer” in Quran...? Mcqs

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Which Surah is so called “The Heifer” in Quran...?

(i) Al-Baqarah
(ii) An-Naml

(iii) Al-Ankabut
(iv) None of Above

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Nepal’s first woman President was...?

(i) Rita Sharma
(ii) Vidya Devi Bhandari

(iii) Aishwarya Laxmi
(iv) Komal Bhandari

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Which surah starts without “Bismillah”...?

(i) Al-Baqarah
(ii) Al-Taubah

(iii) Al-Nisa
(iv) Al-Quresh

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Who was the Prophet which first laid the foundation of Masjid-e-Aqsa ...?

(i) Hazart Daood ( A.S)
(ii) Hazart younus ( A.S)

(iii) Hazart Ibrahim ( A.S)
(iv) Hazart Suleman (A.S)

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The decided to buy the house because ______ location would allow ______ to get to work very easily...?

(i) its / them
(ii) its / him

(iii) it / them
(iv) None of these

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As of 2012, how many countries were memeber of the Non Aligned Movement...?

(i) 100
(ii) 110

(iii) 120
(iv) 130

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Litani River is located in which Country...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Lebanon

(iii) Turkey
(iv) Sudan

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I went _______ the airport to catch flight...?

(i) in
(ii) to

(iii) of
(iv) None of the these

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'Chennai' is the new name of which Indian city:...?

(i) Madras
(ii) Patna

(iii) Agra
(iv) Lucknow

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How many sunnah in the 4 faraiz of wudu/Abulution ...?

(i) 11
(ii) 12

(iii) 13
(iv) 14

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