Which Surah of the Holy Quran deals with the laws of marriage...? Mcqs

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Which Surah of the Holy Quran deals with the laws of marriage...?

(i) Dalaq
(ii) Mujadala

(iii) Nisa
(iv) Mumtahina

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Which one is the capital city of Italy...?

(i) Milan
(ii) Venice

(iii) Turin
(iv) Rome

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The theory stating that new matter is always created to fill the space left by the Universe is called...?

(i) Big Bang
(ii) Steady State

(iii) Hubble's Theory
(iv) Black Hole

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in Microsoft Excel template is the combination of different ______...?

(i) Colors
(ii) Effects

(iii) Fonts
(iv) All of these

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What is falqaram for goats...?

(i) 30 goats
(ii) 40 goats

(iii) 50 goats
(iv) 60 goats

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The default page size for word documents is also used in offices_____________________...?

(i) A4
(ii) Legal

(iii) Letter
(iv) None

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Tahleel Literally means Recitation of__________...?

(i) Quran
(ii) Kalimahs

(iii) Namaz
(iv) Surah

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A glacier is:...?

(i) River of ice sliding down a mountain carrying along material
(ii) Slow moving sheet of ice

(iii) Both A & B
(iv) None of these

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For what achievement did James Chadwick receive the Nobel Prize in 1935...?

(i) Discovery of the proton
(ii) Discovery of the neutron

(iii) Development of the atomic bomb
(iv) Discovery of radioactivity

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_________ is used to tell excel to include all cell between the two end point cell reference...?

(i) Double colon
(ii) Single colon

(iii) Double sami colon
(iv) None of these

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