Which UN Secretary General visited Kartarpur Corridor...? Mcqs

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Which UN Secretary General visited Kartarpur Corridor...?

(i) Antonio Gutierrez
(ii) Ban Ki-moon

(iii) Kofi Annan
(iv) None of these

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The mean of five numbers is 18, If one number is excluded, then their mean is 16, the excluded number is...?

(i) 24
(ii) 26

(iii) 28
(iv) None of these

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Hinduism Is state religion of...?

(i) India
(ii) Bhutan

(iii) Nepal
(iv) None of these

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Cooking gas is mixture of which of the following two gases...?

(i) Methane & Carbon dioxide
(ii) Oxygen & Nitrogen

(iii) Butane & Propane
(iv) Oxygen & Methane

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Ching Ping Dam is located in:...?

(i) Japan
(ii) China

(iii) Thailand
(iv) South Korea

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خدا نے آج تک اس قوم کی حالت نہیں بدلی نہ ہو جس کو خیال آپ اپنی حالت کے بدلنے کایہ شعر کس کا ہے؟ .

(i) امیر خسرو
(ii) مولانا ظفر علی خان

(iii) حفیظ جالندھری
(iv) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

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The Length of the M6 G.G Khan to Kakkar Motorway is..?

(i) 467 Km
(ii) 437 Km

(iii) 491 Km
(iv) None of these

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When sharing data in Office, the __________ document is the document in which the data was first entered...?

(i) source
(ii) destination

(iii) original
(iv) primary

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Gautama Buddha was born in ____...?

(i) Nepal
(ii) Dhaka

(iii) Delhi
(iv) None of these

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Microsoft Office is an example of a...?

(i) vertical market software
(ii) Closed source software

(iii) Open source software
(iv) Horizontal market software

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