Who are exempt from Ramadan’s fasting...? Mcqs

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Who are exempt from Ramadan’s fasting...?

(i) Sickness
(ii) Travelling

(iii) Pregnancy and breastfeeding
(iv) Senility and old age

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GUI stands for _______...?

(i) Graphical use interface
(ii) Graphical user interface

(iii) Grapic user interface
(iv) None of these

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Brass gets discolored in air because of the presence of which of the following gases in air:...?

(i) Carbon dioxide
(ii) Hydrogen sulfide

(iii) Nitrogen
(iv) Oxygen

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First Satellite Sputnik 1 was launched in October 1957. Indicate the date

(i) 2 October
(ii) 4 October

(iii) 6 October
(iv) 6 October

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How many temperature zones does Pakistan generally have based on its climate...?

(i) 2
(ii) 3

(iii) 4
(iv) 5

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the second highest number of deaths due to COVID-19 is recorded in which country...?

(i) Italy
(ii) Brazil

(iii) China
(iv) USA

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Which terrorist organization involved in Lahore Anarkali blast in 2022:...?

(i) TTP
(ii) Baloch Nationalist Army

(iii) Baloch Liberation Army
(iv) None of these

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In which Surah the story of Karoon is mentioned...?

(i) Sura Qasas
(ii) Sura Maida

(iii) Sura Baraat
(iv) Sura Lael

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"Five thousand years of Pakistan" is written by...?

(i) Stanley Wolpert
(ii) R E M Wheeler

(iii) KK Aziz
(iv) None of these

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Boot is to foot as the glove is to ?...?

(i) Wool
(ii) Cloth

(iii) Cotton
(iv) Hand

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