Who introduced the Basic Democracy...? Mcqs

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Who introduced the Basic Democracy...?

(i) Liaqat Ali Khan
(ii) Ayoub Khan

(iii) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(iv) Yahiya Khan

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Which key is used to go one page down in MS word...?

(i) CTRL + Pg Dn
(ii) CTRL down arrow

(iii) Down Arrow
(iv) None of these

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Who was the founder of Nawaiwaqat newspaper...?

(i) Hameed nizami
(ii) Majeed nizami

(iii) Arif nizami
(iv) None of these

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Carbon Scheme was Introduced under the:...?

(i) UN Convention on Climate Change
(ii) UN Convention on Biodiversity

(iii) Kyoto Protocol
(iv) Ramses Convention

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Find the realtionship similar to Encourage Restrict...?

(i) Gain Success
(ii) Dearth Surplus

(iii) Seeing Relieving
(iv) Heart, Soul

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What will be the ratio of simple interest earned by certain amount at the same rate of interest for 12 years and for 18 years...?

(i) 2:5
(ii) 2:3

(iii) 1:3
(iv) 3:1

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Low silicon, oxygen and high iron, magnesium are the characteristics of ___magma....?

(i) Mafic and Felsic
(ii) Felsic and Rhyoltic

(iii) Mafic and Basaltic
(iv) None of these

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what is the relation of Hazrat Hamza With Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)...?

(i) Cousin
(ii) Uncle

(iii) Nephew
(iv) Son

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The foreighn phrase Debut means..?

(i) Way a person goes to work
(ii) First appearance as performer

(iii) First and last appearance as performer
(iv) None of these

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The famous book "The Republic" was written by...?

(i) Socrates
(ii) Plato

(iii) Aristotle
(iv) Alexander

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