Who is the author of book “Global Corruption: Money, Power, and Ethics in the Modern World”...? Mcqs

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Who is the author of book “Global Corruption: Money, Power, and Ethics in the Modern World”...?

(i) Laurence Cockcroft
(ii) K. K. Aziz

(iii) Trevor Noah
(iv) Adam Smith

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Pakistan is not the Member of the following Organisation ...?

(i) UNO
(ii) SAARC

(iii) SCO
(iv) G-20

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Heart of Asia – Istanbul Ministerial Process on December 3 to December 4, 2016 was hosted by which country...?

(i) Pakistan
(ii) India (Amritsar city)

(iii) Bhutan
(iv) Iran

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شملہ کانفرس منعقد ہوئی...?

(i) 1925 میں
(ii) 1935 میں

(iii) میں1930
(iv) 1945میں

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Qaroon was a treasurer, he was in the reign of Prophet...?

(i) Suleman (A.S)
(ii) Ibrahim (A.S)

(iii) Musa (A.S)
(iv) Yaqoob (A.S)

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In Ms Word the AutoCorrect was originally designed to replace _________ words as you type....?

(i) Grammatically incorrect
(ii) Short, repetitive

(iii) Misspelled
(iv) None of the above

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Working boundary is dividing line between...

(i) Pakistan and IHK
(ii) Pakistan and PHK

(iii) India and China
(iv) None of these

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Ctrl + L Shortcut key is used in Microsoft Word to____________...?

(i) Left Align
(ii) Left Indent

(iii) Increase Left Margin
(iv) Decrease Left Margin

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Head office of UNESCO is located...?

(i) Paris
(ii) Geneva

(iii) London
(iv) Washington DC

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Who discovered the Law of Gravitation...?

(i) Sir Isaac Newton
(ii) Louis Pasture

(iii) Galileo
(iv) Wlliam Henry

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