Who is the current Prime Minister of the UK...? Mcqs

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Who is the current Prime Minister of the UK...?

(i) Boris Johnson
(ii) Liz Truss

(iii) Rishi Sunak
(iv) Keir Starmer

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which function is used to count the number of cells that contain numbers in a range...?

(i) count ()
(ii) sum ()

(iii) sum if ()
(iv) None of these

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In Pakistan, the first population census was conducted in:...?

(i) 1947
(ii) 1951

(iii) 1954
(iv) None of these

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When you point to the ________ corner of a table, the table move handle appears....?

(i) upper-right
(ii) lower-left

(iii) lower-right
(iv) upper-left

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حضرت عمر نے حضرت خالد بن ولید کو معزول کر کے کسی کو سپہ سالارمقرر کیا ؟...?

(i) حضرت ابو عبیدہ بن الجراح
(ii) حضرت علیؓ

(iii) حضرت اسامہ بن زید
(iv) حضرت سعد بن ابی وقاص

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The headquarter of ASEAN ...?

(i) Katmandu
(ii) Jakarta

(iii) New York
(iv) Geneva

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Which crop is longest according to period between and harvest...?

(i) Cotton
(ii) Sugarcane

(iii) Rice
(iv) Wheat

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عراقی کرنسی کا نام کیا ہے

(i) دینار
(ii) ریال

(iii) درہم
(iv) روپے

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Which Surah of the Holy Quran was revealed twice...?

(i) Ikhlaas
(ii) Fatiha

(iii) Nooh
(iv) Tauba

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Golden Gate Bridge is located in _____...?

(i) San Francisco
(ii) Washington

(iii) New York
(iv) None of the

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