Who is the gate-keeper of hell...? Mcqs

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Who is the gate-keeper of hell...?

(i) Rizwan
(ii) Malik

(iii) Sabeel
(iv) Tahir

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What is full form of DSL in terms of information technology...?

(i) Digital System Line
(ii) Digital Super Line

(iii) Digital Subscriber Line
(iv) Digital Speed Line

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Minimum and Maximum font size in MS Word is:...?

(i) 6,500
(ii) 8,72

(iii) 6,75
(iv) None of these

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Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully completeHis interest in the study of human behavior in indeed very__________...?

(i) Strong
(ii) Large

(iii) Broad
(iv) Deep

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Which of the following is the key to close a run dialog box in window...?

(ii) ESC

(iii) TAB
(iv) F8

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Study of tissues is called:...?

(i) Histology
(ii) Cytology

(iii) Anatomy
(iv) None of these

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In which year Muslim League in Baluchistan was established...?

(i) 1933
(ii) 1935

(iii) 1937
(iv) 1939

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"Communist Manifesto" was written by:...?

(i) Friedrich Engels and karl Marx
(ii) Engels

(iii) Jointly by Marx and Engels
(iv) None of these

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If I am sixth in a queue from either end. How many people are there in the queue...?

(i) 11
(ii) 9

(iii) 12
(iv) 13

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International consortium of investigative journalists (ICIJ) is based at ___________...?

(i) London
(ii) Berlin

(iii) Washington
(iv) Geneva

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