Who killed Muslema Kazab (Musailamah al Kazzab)...? Mcqs

All Books Important MCQ's

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Who killed Muslema Kazab (Musailamah al Kazzab)...?

(i) Hazrat Ali (R.A)
(ii) Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A)

(iii) Wahshi ibn Harb
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following rivers crosses the equator twice...?

(i) Amazon
(ii) Congo

(iii) Nile
(iv) Ganga

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The 'Theory of Population" was propounded by:...?

(i) John Calvin
(ii) Dr Henry Kissenger

(iii) Thomas Robert
(iv) Adam Smith

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where is the grave of Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris...?

(i) Iran
(ii) Iraq

(iii) Palestine
(iv) Jordan

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Choose the correct sentence: I am very obliged to him...?

(i) many obliged
(ii) much obliged

(iii) so obliged
(iv) None of these

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Default name of a newly created MS Word File is ___________...?

(i) File1
(ii) Document1

(iii) untitled1
(iv) None of these

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Which is the most populated continent...?

(i) Asia
(ii) Africa

(iii) Europe
(iv) North America

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Eastern Meditarian Island Cyprus divided between which two countries...?

(i) Greece & Turkey
(ii) Greece & Iran

(iii) Saudia Arabia & Turkey
(iv) Greece & Lotvia

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When you point to the ________ corner of a table, the table move handle appears....?

(i) upper-right
(ii) lower-left

(iii) lower-right
(iv) upper-left

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Hizbul Mujahidins objective is _____...?

(i) To separate Jammu and Kashmir and merge with Pakistan
(ii) To separate Jammu and Kashmir and merge with India

(iii) To separate Jammu and Kashmir as independent state
(iv) None of these

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