Who was arrested in Rawalpindi conspiracy case...? Mcqs

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Who was arrested in Rawalpindi conspiracy case...?

(i) Mujeeb Ur Rehman
(ii) Faiz Ahmad Faiz

(iii) Both a and b
(iv) None of these

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How many rows can you insert in a word document in maximum...?

(i) 256
(ii) 16384

(iii) 32767
(iv) Unlimited

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World War I was end in...?

(i) 1912
(ii) 1914

(iii) 1916
(iv) 1918

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Muhammad Khan Junejo, PM of Pakistan, left his office on which date...?

(i) 20 May 1988
(ii) 10 June 1988

(iii) 29 May 1988
(iv) None of these

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When the first wahi was revealed to the Holy Prophet (PBUH)...?

(i) 600AD
(ii) 610AD

(iii) 630AD
(iv) 710AD

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Amir Khusrow was the disciple of whom...?

(i) Khuwaja Gulam Farid
(ii) None of these

(iii) Khuwaja Moen Uddin
(iv) Nizam Uddin Aulia

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splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen is an example of ______...?

(i) Evaporation
(ii) Condensation

(iii) Decomposition
(iv) Sublimation

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https provides a ______ communication over computer network...?

(i) Secure
(ii) Text

(iii) Voice
(iv) Video

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Element present in largest amount in human body is...?

(i) Hydrogen
(ii) Nitrogen

(iii) Carbon
(iv) Oxygen

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Who discovered the solar system...?

(i) Copernicus
(ii) Newton

(iii) Galileo
(iv) Kepler

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