Who was called as kidnapper of the scholars...? Mcqs

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Who was called as kidnapper of the scholars...?

(i) Haroon-ur- Rasheed
(ii) Abu-Jafar al-Mansoor

(iii) Mahmood Ghaznavi
(iv) None of the above

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A person bought 200 dozen orange at Rs. 10 per dozen and he spent Rs. 500 on transportation. He sold each orange at Rs. What was his profit or loss %...?

(i) 5%
(ii) 4%

(iii) 3%
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Which one is not an open class part of speech...?

(i) Noun
(ii) Pronoun

(iii) Adjective
(iv) Verb

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Which of the following is not a windows version...?

(i) Windows 7
(ii) Windows 8

(iii) Windows 9
(iv) Windows 10

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What Punctuation Mark is generally used before certain coordinating conjunctions ...?

(i) exclamation mark
(ii) Hyphen

(iii) Comma
(iv) colon

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Which of the following institution was established in 1864:...?

(i) MAO College Lahore
(ii) Punjab Training College

(iii) Islamia College Lahore
(iv) Govt College Lahore

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Synonym of ” Intrepid ” ________ ...?

(i) Knave
(ii) Brave

(iii) Afraid
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “bifurcate” is _________...?

(i) to fork or divide
(ii) belch

(iii) think meditatively
(iv) explain at length

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Synonym of Notwithstanding is _______________...?

(i) in spite of
(ii) conclusion

(iii) Finally
(iv) none of above

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which one is called masha ,ar-ul-haram______________...?

(i) Mina valley
(ii) Arafat

(iii) Muzdalifa valley
(iv) Madina valley

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