Who was made governor of south Yemen by Holy Prophet...? Mcqs

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Who was made governor of south Yemen by Holy Prophet...?

(i) Maaz Bin Jabal
(ii) Hazrat Abu Musa Ashri R.A

(iii) Hazrat Amer Ibn Alas
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “prognosis” is _________...?

(i) scheme
(ii) forecast

(iii) preface
(iv) identification of a disease

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The smallest unit of data in a computer is...?

(i) Bit
(ii) Kilobit

(iii) Terabyte
(iv) Byte

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How many white stars are on the national flag of the USA ...?

(i) 20
(ii) 30

(iii) 40
(iv) 50

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مشہور ناول ” خدا کی بستی“ کے مصنف کا نام کیا ہے ؟.

(i) وقار عظیم
(ii) شوکت صدیقی

(iii) آل احمد سرور
(iv) امجد اسلام امجد

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What is the capital of Finland...?

(i) Helsinki
(ii) Oslo

(iii) Ottawa
(iv) None

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Smallest glacier in the world is ____________...?

(i) Gem
(ii) Pindari

(iii) Baltoro
(iv) Batura

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The murder of Archduke Ferdinand, the heir to Austrian throne, became the immediate cause of which war:...?

(i) World War 1
(ii) Battle of Borodino

(iii) Battle of Jutland
(iv) World War II

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The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave the title of_________ to Abu Zar Ghaffari R.A ...?

(i) Sheikh-ul-Islam RA
(ii) Ameen-ul-Ummat RA

(iii) Khair-ut-Tabe’en RA
(iv) Maizban-e-Rasool

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Nato is ___agency...?

(i) Military
(ii) Educational

(iii) Food
(iv) None Of These

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