Who was the Author of the famous book 1984...? Mcqs

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Who was the Author of the famous book 1984...?

(i) George Orwell
(ii) Alexander soizhenitsyn

(iii) Joseph conrad
(iv) Franz fanon

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Who was the founder of daily Nawaiwaqat...?

(i) Hameed Nizami
(ii) Majeed Nizami

(iii) Khalil Ur Rehman
(iv) Zia Shahid

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Who invented Typewriter___________...?

(i) Haechel
(ii) Sholes

(iii) Einstein
(iv) Caxton

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Who is the author of the famous novel "Raja Gadh"?...?

(i) Khadija Mastoor
(ii) Bano Qudsia

(iii) Altaf Fatima
(iv) Bushra Rahman

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The human heart is ...?

(i) Myogenic heart
(ii) Neurogenic heart

(iii) D) Ampullary heart
(iv) Pulsating heart

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Cells in MS Excel can be uniquely identified by:...?

(i) Column letters and row numbers
(ii) Column numbers and row letters

(iii) Cell coordinates
(iv) None of these

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Name the Mosque which was famous for the change of Qiblah...?

(i) Masjid-e-Qiblatain
(ii) Masjid-e- Nabavi

(iii) Masjid-e- Quba
(iv) None of them

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In MS Word short cut key for Split a window or remove the split view...?

(i) Alt+Ctrl+S
(ii) Ctrl+Alt+V

(iii) Ctrl+Alt+O
(iv) Ctrl+Alt+N

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Synonym of “daft” is _________...?

(i) breezy
(ii) awkward

(iii) silly
(iv) nimble

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Which Ghazwa is mentioned in Surah Al- Imran...?

(i) Khyber
(ii) Khandaq

(iii) Uhad
(iv) None of these

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