Who was the eldest daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)...? Mcqs

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Who was the eldest daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)...?

(i) Hazrat bibi Umm Kulthum (R.A)
(ii) Hazrat bibi Zainab (R.A)

(iii) Hazrat bibi Fatima (R.A)
(iv) Hazrat bibi Ruqayyah (R.A)

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How long was Hazrat Yousaf (A.S) separated from Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)...?

(i) 20 years
(ii) 30 years

(iii) 40 years
(iv) 45 years

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میں برطانیہ نے ہندوستان سے متعلق کون سا دستاویز پیش کیا؟ 1933...?

(i) منٹومورلی اصلاحات
(ii) وائٹ پیپر

(iii) گول میز کانفرنس
(iv) انڈین انڈیپینڈنس ایکٹ

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(i) Indus River
(ii) Ravi River

(iii) Chenab River
(iv) Jhelum River

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Which city is the oldest inhabited capital in the world...?

(i) Cairo
(ii) Damascus

(iii) Athens
(iv) Tehran

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Which Surah of the Holy Quran was revealed twice...?

(i) Ikhlaas
(ii) Fatiha

(iii) Nooh
(iv) Tauba

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(i) 2
(ii) 3

(iii) 5
(iv) None of These

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(i) Clown
(ii) Pet

(iii) Thief
(iv) None of these

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Mahan Airline belongs to which country______________...?

(i) Iran
(ii) Iraq

(iii) Yemen
(iv) Oman

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Office Button is symbolized with which feature on MS Word?...?

(i) Paper
(ii) Ribbon

(iii) Arrow
(iv) Office

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