Who was the founder of daily Nawaiwaqat...? Mcqs

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Who was the founder of daily Nawaiwaqat...?

(i) Hameed Nizami
(ii) Majeed Nizami

(iii) Khalil Ur Rehman
(iv) Zia Shahid

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Who was the Prime Minister of India at the time of tashkent agreement:...?

(i) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(ii) Indira Gandhi

(iii) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
(iv) Rajiv Gandhi

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Taxila engineering produces ______...?

(i) Aero plane
(ii) small armor

(iii) Missiles and tanks
(iv) Cooking instruments

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Synonym of “sumptuous” is _________...?

(i) swampy
(ii) irritable

(iii) meagre
(iv) fancy

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Azad Pattan project will be constructed on which river:...?

(i) Indus
(ii) Jhelum

(iii) Chenab
(iv) None of these

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What is the Extension of MS Word documents...?

(i) .do
(ii) .dos

(iii) .docx
(iv) None of the above

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Hazrat Sheikh Ali Bin Usman Hajweri (Data GanjBuksh) came to India during the time of...?

(i) Mughals
(ii) Khiljis

(iii) Tughluq
(iv) Ghaznavi

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How many masarif of Zakat are mentioned in the Holy Quran...?

(i) 6
(ii) 8

(iii) 7
(iv) 9

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Factoring 3x2y2-14xy+16...?

(i) xy-2X3xy-8
(ii) xy-23y-8

(iii) y-23xy-8
(iv) None of these

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Milk is to white as the sky is to ?...?

(i) Red
(ii) Blue

(iii) Green
(iv) Black

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