Who was the Governor of Bengal from 1760 to 1764...? Mcqs

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Who was the Governor of Bengal from 1760 to 1764...?

(i) Henry Vansittart
(ii) John Spencer

(iii) John Cartier
(iv) Warren Hastings

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Serena Williams is a famous player of..?

(i) Basket Ball
(ii) Tennis

(iii) Athletic
(iv) Badminton

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Which of the following increases the rate of a chemical reaction...?

(i) Catalyst
(ii) Inhibitor

(iii) Reactant
(iv) None of these

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Pakistan is bordered by North-East in the...?

(i) Afghanistan
(ii) Iran

(iii) China
(iv) Omen

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Which river does NOT flow from Jammu and Kashmir...?

(i) Indus
(ii) Jhelum

(iii) Chenab
(iv) Ravi

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Synonym of “reverie” is _________...?

(i) daydream
(ii) adoration

(iii) awakening call
(iv) meeting

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What was real name of Hazrat Abu Baker (R.A)...?

(i) Abdullah ibn Uthman
(ii) Abu Turab

(iii) Sadiq e Akber
(iv) Saraqa bin jasham

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How many countries signed the Treaty of Versailles was signed on 28 June 1919A 26...?

(i) 25
(ii) 28

(iii) 30
(iv) 32

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Synonym of “serene” is _________...?

(i) musical
(ii) patient

(iii) happy
(iv) calm

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In which year Graham Bell invented telephone...?

(i) 1776
(ii) 1876

(iii) 1976
(iv) None of these

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