Why Pakistan joined Southeast Asia Treaty Organization [SEATO]:...? Mcqs

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Why Pakistan joined Southeast Asia Treaty Organization [SEATO]:...?

(i) To get defence support from US
(ii) To get financial benefits from World Bank

(iii) To get rid from International loans
(iv) None of these

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Needle was invented by Prophet...?

(i) Yahya (A.S)
(ii) Musa (A.S)

(iii) Idrees (A.S)
(iv) Shoaib (A.S)

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Surah Tauba the only Surah Which does not start with Bismillah is in Which Parah...?

(i) 9 & 10
(ii) 8 & 9

(iii) 10 & 11
(iv) 11 & 12

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What country used a tank first?

(i) UK
(ii) USA

(iii) India
(iv) Farance

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What is compiler...?

(i) system program that converts instructions to machine language
(ii) system program that converts machine language to high-level language

(iii) system program that writes instructions to perform
(iv) All of these

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Which surah of the Holy Quran starts with two fruits name...?

(i) Surah Imran
(ii) Surah An-Nisa

(iii) Surah At-Teen
(iv) Surah Hud

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Shortcut key for page break in MS Word:...?

(i) Ctrl+Enter
(ii) Ctrl+Space

(iii) Shift+Enter
(iv) None of these

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What is the one word substitution for a person who is unable to pay his debt...?

(i) Poor
(ii) Vagabond

(iii) Solvent
(iv) Insolvent

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The length of Multan-D.G Khan (M5) motorway is...?

(i) 75 KM
(ii) 85 KM

(iii) 200 KM
(iv) 50 KM

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Notimex is the news agency of ____________...?

(i) Canada
(ii) Norway

(iii) nether land
(iv) Mexico

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