Why we use clear formatting in MS Word...? Mcqs

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Why we use clear formatting in MS Word...?

(i) To Clear all shapes
(ii) To Clear all data

(iii) Clear the formatting from the text
(iv) To Clear text

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Cooking gas is mixture of ______...?

(i) Butane and Nitrogen
(ii) Propane and Butane

(iii) Carbon and Propane
(iv) None of these

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ظاہر دار بیگ کا کردار کسی افسانے میں ملتا ہے؟...?

(i) فسانہ مبتلا
(ii) توبة النصوح

(iii) فسانه آزاد
(iv) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

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منچھر جھیل کس ضلع میں واقع ہے۔۔۔؟

(i) ٹھٹھہ
(ii) سکھر

(iii) خوشاب
(iv) دادو

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What is the name of the starting kick in a football match...?

(i) Goal Kick
(ii) Corner Kick

(iii) Kick-Off
(iv) Free Kick

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Who was the President of US & USSR in U-2 incident of cuban missile crisis of 1962:...?

(i) John F Kennedy & Nikita Khrushchev
(ii) Henry Truman & Stalin

(iii) Richard Nixon & Mikhail Gorbachev
(iv) None of these

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Who was the last ruler of Abbasid dynasty...?

(i) AL-Muntansir Billah
(ii) Al-Mustanjid Billah ‎

(iii) Al-Musta’sim Billah
(iv) Al-Muktafī Billah

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The Founder of Wikileaks Julian Paul Assange belongs to which country...?

(i) Spain
(ii) Russia

(iii) Australia
(iv) Germany

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Largest perfect square between 4 and 50 is:...?

(i) 25
(ii) 36

(iii) 49
(iv) 45

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This flying coach is bound______Karachi...?

(i) For
(ii) From

(iii) To
(iv) None of these

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