Word “Markhor” has been derived from Persian language which means...? Mcqs

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Word “Markhor” has been derived from Persian language which means...?

(i) Snake Eater
(ii) Intelligent Animal

(iii) Dead Animal
(iv) None

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Kish Air is the airline of which country...?

(i) Israel
(ii) Indonesia

(iii) Iran
(iv) Iraq

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Complete the series: 4, 9,16, 25,...?

(i) 32
(ii) 42

(iii) 55
(iv) 36

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The first computer was programmed using...?

(i) Source code
(ii) Assembly language

(iii) Machine language
(iv) Spaghetti code

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Synonym of “lackluster” is _________...?

(i) dull
(ii) fitful

(iii) steady
(iv) obscure

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Payment of Mehr to wife is:__________...?

(i) Depends on the Demand by Wife
(ii) It is social affair

(iii) Obligatory
(iv) Not Ordained by Allah

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What is the literal meaning of Zikr...?

(i) Hazrat Omar
(ii) Remembering Allah too much

(iii) Recall
(iv) None of these

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The height of Manaslu mountain is ___________...?

(i) 8163m/26,781ft
(ii) 8516m/27,940ft

(iii) 8463m/27,766ft
(iv) 8167m/26,795ft

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Which is the highest mountain in the world...?

(i) K2
(ii) Mount Everest

(iii) Indies
(iv) None of these

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Choose the correct meaning of the Idioms: To bear the brunt of:...?

(i) in a position of advantage
(ii) to make an easy choice

(iii) to endure the main force or shock
(iv) undecided

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