World War II was began in...? Mcqs

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World War II was began in...?

(i) 1935
(ii) 1937

(iii) 1939
(iv) 1941

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Which is the 12th month of the Islamic Year?...?

(i) Muharram
(ii) Rajib

(iii) Shawal
(iv) Zilhaj

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Lion's Share of UNO's budget is being spent on...?

(i) Diseases
(ii) Natural Disasters

(iii) Peace
(iv) Poverty

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Mid term breaking is applied to...?

(i) Quadratic Equations
(ii) Linear Equations

(iii) Perfect squares
(iv) Polynomial functions

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The first SAARC summit was held at...?

(i) New Delhi
(ii) Dhaka

(iii) Islamabad
(iv) Nepal

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Who is the current Mayor of London...?

(i) Zac Goldsmith
(ii) Boris Johnson

(iii) Sadiq Khan
(iv) None of these

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What is the cause ____________ the problem...?

(i) Of
(ii) On

(iii) About
(iv) In

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جنوبی اشیاء کے ممالک کی تنظیم کاکیا نام ہے۔۔۔؟

(i) نیٹو
(ii) او آئی سی

(iii) جی 8
(iv) سارک

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Chemical formula of baking soda is ______...?

(i) Na2CO3
(ii) K2CIO3

(iii) Na2SO4
(iv) NaHCO3

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Antonym of Abate...?

(i) Enhance
(ii) Foster

(iii) Augment
(iv) All of above

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