World’s first YouTube video was uploaded by its Co-founder ‘Jawed Karem’ in April 23, 2005 ,with the name: ___________...? Mcqs

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World’s first YouTube video was uploaded by its Co-founder ‘Jawed Karem’ in April 23, 2005 ,with the name: ___________...?

(i) Hello ! Here I am.
(ii) Hey! It’s your World

(iii) Did you tube it
(iv) Me at the Zoo

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How can you apply exactly the same formatting you did to another text in Ms Word...?

(i) Copy the text and click on Paste Special tool on new place
(ii) Select the text then click on Format Painter and select the new text

(iii) Copy the text and paste in new location. Then type the new text again
(iv) All of above

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Who was the 1st Governor General of Pakistan?...?

(i) Liaqat Ali Khan
(ii) Muhammad Ali Bogra

(iii) Za ul Haq
(iv) M A Jinnah

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How many months prior to the birth of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), Hazrat Abdullah lbn-e-Abdul Matalib died’...?

(i) Two
(ii) Four

(iii) Six
(iv) One

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The gases used in different types of welding would include:...?

(i) Oxygen and hydrogen
(ii) Oxygen, hydrogen, acetylene and nitrogen

(iii) Oxygen, acetylene and argon
(iv) Oxygen and acetylene

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Nadir Shah invades India in...?

(i) 1674
(ii) 1739

(iii) 1666
(iv) 1707

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Prague is the capital of:...?

(i) Romania
(ii) Brazil

(iii) Uganda
(iv) Czech Republic

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To cry wolf ______...?

(i) To listen eagerly
(ii) To turn pale

(iii) To give false alarm
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following is the file extension of the PowerPoint presentation...?

(i) ppt
(ii) pps

(iii) ppf
(iv) None of these

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Waris shah is the author of which famous folktale...?

(i) Heer Ranjha
(ii) Sassi Punnu

(iii) Sohni Mahiwal
(iv) None of these

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