World’s first YouTube video was Uploaded in April ,2005 by ____________...? Mcqs

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World’s first YouTube video was Uploaded in April ,2005 by ____________...?

(i) Jack Ma
(ii) Ali Baba

(iii) Lady Gaga
(iv) Jawed Karim

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Synonym of Cordial is...?

(i) Unpleasant
(ii) Pleasant

(iii) Heart
(iv) Love

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There are 6 canidates and a voter has to vote for any two of them, the required number of ways is...?

(i) 5
(ii) 10

(iii) 15
(iv) 20

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How many Surahs of the Holy Quran start with the word ‘Qad’ ...?

(i) 1
(ii) 2

(iii) 3
(iv) 4

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Which instrument is used to measure altitude..?

(i) Audiometer
(ii) Altimeter

(iii) Barometer
(iv) Anemometer

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Which is the national bird of Pakistan...?

(i) Markhor
(ii) Chakor

(iii) Parrot
(iv) Pigeon

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At the Simla Conference, the attendees included...?

(i) Jinnah and Liaquat
(ii) Liaquat and Nazimuddin

(iii) Jinnah and Nazimuddin
(iv) Jinnah, Liaquat and Ammir Shamsi

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Which Strait connects Labrador sea and Baffin Bay...?

(i) Davis Strait
(ii) Denmark Strait

(iii) Hover Strait
(iv) None of these

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What is lvy league...?

(i) A group of eight Universities in USA
(ii) A football league in Switzerland

(iii) A football league tournament
(iv) A group of islands in Atlantic Ocean

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Name of the son of Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S) whose off-springs are the Jews...?

(i) Yousaf (a.s)
(ii) Yahooda

(iii) Ishaq (a.s)
(iv) Lawi

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