Yell Synonym...? Mcqs

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Yell Synonym...?

(i) Down
(ii) Depth

(iii) Large
(iv) Shout

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Boston tea party is a landmark in the history of US, when did it occur...?

(i) 1770
(ii) 1773

(iii) 1774
(iv) 1780

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BIOS is used as___________...?

(i) Application Software
(ii) Operating System

(iii) Compiler
(iv) None of these

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Spratly Islands are disputed between China and...?

(i) Vietnam
(ii) Malaysia

(iii) Philippine
(iv) All of these

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The SDGs were set in 2015 by the:...?

(i) United Nations General Assembly
(ii) European Union

(iii) Amnesty International
(iv) United Nations Trustee Ship Council

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Complete the following proverb by choosing the correct word: Money makes the go...?

(i) Life
(ii) Time

(iii) Mare
(iv) Donkey

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The Battel of Jamal was fought between Hazrat bibi Aiysha (A.S) and ____________...?

(i) Talha
(ii) Muawiya

(iii) Ali
(iv) Khalid Bin Waleed

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Far Sightedness can be corrected by:...?

(i) Convex lens
(ii) Concave lens

(iii) Bi Focal lens
(iv) None of these

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Most nearly meaning to the word "DANGER"...?

(i) risk
(ii) insecurity

(iii) cope
(iv) ancillary

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The original natives of New Zealand, whose war dance is still used by the New Zealand rugby team, were...?

(i) Aborgenes
(ii) Zuluz

(iii) Maoris
(iv) Fijians

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