Zulbujadeen is the title of ___________...? Mcqs

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Zulbujadeen is the title of ___________...?

(i) Hazrat Jaffar Tayar (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Abdullah (RA)
(iv) Hazrat Ali (RA)

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Which is the largest lake of Pakistan...?

(i) Drigh Lake
(ii) Manchar Lake

(iii) Kunjhar Lake
(iv) Lake Saiful Muluk

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Which type of memory holds the computer startup routine...?

(i) ROM
(ii) RAM

(iii) WAN
(iv) None of these

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Blood pressure numbers less than ______ mm Hg (millimeters of mercury) are considered normal...?

(i) 120/80
(ii) 120/100

(iii) 120/30
(iv) None of these

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Choose the correct meaning of the idiom from the provided options I can help out "at a pinch" if you need a babysitter...?

(i) Day and night
(ii) On regular basis

(iii) In case of an emergency
(iv) Under close supervision

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Which books are called Sahihain:...?

(i) Bukhari Sharif and Ibn-e-Dawood
(ii) Muslim Sharif and Tirmazi

(iii) Bukhari Sharif and Ibn-e-Maja
(iv) Bukhari Sharif and Muslim

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Who is considered one of the great investors in the world:...?

(i) Bill Gates
(ii) Elon Musk

(iii) Warren Buffet
(iv) None of these

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COP 27 will be held in which country:...?

(i) Egypt
(ii) Scotland

(iii) Italy
(iv) Spain

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The binary decimal of 10100 is...?

(i) 20(10)
(ii) 200(10)

(iii) 200(100)
(iv) None of these

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How many angels are mentioned in The Holy Quran...?

(i) Four
(ii) Five

(iii) Six
(iv) Seven

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