انڈ و نیشیا کہاں واقع ہے ...? Mcqs

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انڈ و نیشیا کہاں واقع ہے ...?

(i) جرمنی
(ii) امریکہ

(iii) فرانس
(iv) اشیاء

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Wahga border attached with which city of India:...?

(i) Amritsar
(ii) Bangalore

(iii) Hyderabad
(iv) Surat

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The average of 5 quantities is 6. The average of 3 of them is 4. What is the average of remaining 2 numbers...?

(i) 9
(ii) 10

(iii) 8
(iv) 95

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When 73 is added to 89 and amount is doubled, it gives the same result as the square of 18, what is the answer...?

(i) 164
(ii) 162

(iii) 324
(iv) 163

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Sumo is considered the national sport of which country...?

(i) China
(ii) Japan

(iii) S.Korea
(iv) N.Korea

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Which is the Hottest planet of the world...?

(i) Mercury
(ii) Jupiter

(iii) Venus
(iv) Mars

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Thomas Cup is associated with which Game...?

(i) badminton
(ii) football

(iii) hockey
(iv) none of these

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Hazrat Ali (R.A) died due to________...?

(i) Poisoned Sword
(ii) Poisoned Arrow

(iii) Both
(iv) None of these

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House of Wisdom (Bayt-ul-Hikamah) was established by_____________...?

(i) Al’Mansoor
(ii) Al’Ma’mun

(iii) Harun Rasheed
(iv) Abdul Malik

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The smallest animal mentioned in Holy Qur’an is _____________....?

(i) Ant
(ii) Mosquito

(iii) Spider
(iv) Fly

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