اوزون لیئر کو سب سے ذیادہ نقصان کون سا مادہ کرتا ہے۔۔۔؟ Mcqs

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اوزون لیئر کو سب سے ذیادہ نقصان کون سا مادہ کرتا ہے۔۔۔؟

(i) سلفر
(ii) زنگ

(iii) ہائیڈروجن
(iv) کاربن

Latest MCQs

The Magna Carta was agreed to by King John of England in...?

(i) 1211 AD
(ii) 1212 AD

(iii) 1214 AD
(iv) 1215 AD

Latest MCQs

Conjunction which expresses an inference is called...conjunction?

(i) Illative
(ii) Cumulative

(iii) Correlative
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Shatt al-Arab is the River that borders two countries, which are:...?

(i) Iran and Egypt
(ii) Iran and Iraq

(iii) Iran and Oman
(iv) None of these

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امجد اسلام امجد کی مشہور نظم آٹو گراف کس شخصیت کے لیے لکھی گئی؟...?

(i) عمران خان
(ii) فضل محمود

(iii) عبدالستار ایدھی
(iv) جاوید میانداد

Latest MCQs

How many countries are the member of NATO...?

(i) 20
(ii) 26

(iii) 31
(iv) 34

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any data or instruction enetered into the memory of a computer is considred as...?

(i) stroage
(ii) input

(iii) output
(iv) information

Latest MCQs

The process of transferring files from a computer on the Internet to your computer is called...?

(i) Forwarding
(ii) Downloading

(iii) Uploading
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Which Jewish tribe was expelled from Madinah after the Battle of Badr...?

(i) Banu Nazir
(ii) Banu Qaynuqa

(iii) Banu Quiraiza
(iv) Banu Aus

Latest MCQs

What was the age of Hazrat Uthman(Ra) when he became Muslim...?

(i) 34
(ii) 36

(iii) 38
(iv) 40

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