بنو اسرائیل کو کس سے نجات ملی۔۔۔؟ Mcqs

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بنو اسرائیل کو کس سے نجات ملی۔۔۔؟

(i) Ale Firoun
(ii) Abu Jahal

(iii) Firoun
(iv) None of these

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Albert Einstein was born in:...?

(i) Omen
(ii) Germany

(iii) Iraq
(iv) Turkey

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Hard Disk in a computer is a/an ....?

(i) Output Device
(ii) Processor

(iii) Software
(iv) Storage Device

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Frugal: Parsimonious :: ...?

(i) Joy: Ecstasy
(ii) Rich: Poor

(iii) Love: Hate
(iv) Poor: Misery

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What is the sum of the first 5 composite numbers:...?

(i) 25
(ii) 33

(iii) 37
(iv) 43

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Synonym of Dissent is_________...?

(i) Agree
(ii) Accept

(iii) Disagree
(iv) Assent

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The book “Kitab al Amwal” (The book of Revenue) was written by __________ ...?

(i) Imam Bukhari
(ii) Abu Yusuf

(iii) Abu Ubaid al Qasim Ibn Sallam
(iv) Muhammad Al Shaybani

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In recitation of Holy Quran, there are how many occasions when Sajdah is obligatory for Muslims...?

(i) 9
(ii) 12

(iii) 14
(iv) None of these

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A child born after the death of his father...?

(i) Posthumous
(ii) Bastard

(iii) Orphan
(iv) None of these

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In the context of Microsoft Word, there is a feature called ‘Gutter Margin’. What is this feature used for...?

(i) Improve the clarity of graphics and images
(ii) Give provision for better document binding

(iii) Improve the clarity of the printed text
(iv) Facilitate the insertion of page numbers

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