بنگال کی تقسیم کب ہوئی ؟ Mcqs

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بنگال کی تقسیم کب ہوئی ؟

(i) 1905 میں
(ii) 1906 میں

(iii) 1908 میں
(iv) 1910 میں

Latest MCQs

Guddu thermal power plant is located in which district of Sindh...?

(i) Kashmore
(ii) Sanghar

(iii) Sahiwal
(iv) None

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Tipu sultan had diplomatic relations with french king...?

(i) Napoleon
(ii) Charles

(iii) Henry II
(iv) King Louis XVI

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_________ is the best eatable thing mentioned in the Holy Qur’an....?

(i) Dabino
(ii) Honey

(iii) Water melon
(iv) Milk

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Who raised the flag in Ghazwa for the first time...?

(i) Hazrat Hamza (RA)
(ii) Hazrat abu Salman (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Umar (RA)
(iv) Hazrat Saad bin Maaz (RA)

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Islamic official seal started in________________...?

(i) 6 A.H
(ii) 7 A.H

(iii) 8 A.H
(iv) 9 A.H

Latest MCQs

You want to insert a paragraph of text from one document into another document while still keeping it in the first document, you will do it by doing the following:...?

(i) Cut and paste
(ii) Copy and paste

(iii) Delete and paste
(iv) Insert and paste

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Which is the smallest province of Iran by Area...?

(i) Alborz
(ii) Ilham province

(iii) Kerman
(iv) Tehran

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Who coined the term gene..?

(i) John Dalton
(ii) Dalton Gene

(iii) Wilhelm Johannes
(iv) Andrew Flemming

Latest MCQs

In MS Word , the process of removing the unwanted part of an image is called...?

(i) Hiding
(ii) Cropping

(iii) Selection
(iv) Indentation

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