بنیے کا بیٹا کچھ_______ کریی کرتا ہے Mcqs

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بنیے کا بیٹا کچھ_______ کریی کرتا ہے

(i) پڑھ
(ii) سیکھ

(iii) کھیل
(iv) دیکھ

Latest MCQs

What is the longest race in the Olympic Games...?

(i) 10,000 meters
(ii) 5,000 meters

(iii) Marathon
(iv) 1,500 meters

Latest MCQs

The synonym of Outburst is:...?

(i) Static
(ii) Implosion

(iii) Paroxysm
(iv) Calm

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Hazrat __________ had knowledge of dreams....?

(i) Umar
(ii) Abu Bakar

(iii) Usman
(iv) Ali

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اضطرار کا متضاد کیا ہے ؟...?

(i) اعتبار
(ii) اجتناب

(iii) اضطراب
(iv) قرار

Latest MCQs

Porter Airlines is the Airline of which country __________...?

(i) South Africa
(ii) Philippines

(iii) Canada
(iv) Portugal

Latest MCQs

The place of Persepolis in Iran was destroyed in 331 B.C by...?

(i) A flood
(ii) Alexander the Great

(iii) Genghis Khan
(iv) Ottoman Turks

Latest MCQs

Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) was sent to ________ after leaving Hazrat Hajirah and Hazrat Ismaeel in But’ha valley...?

(i) Egypt
(ii) Jordan

(iii) Syria
(iv) Palestine

Latest MCQs

The Tashkent declaration between India and Pakistan was signed on...?

(i) 10 January 1963
(ii) 10 January 1964

(iii) 10 January 1965
(iv) 10 January 1966

Latest MCQs

What is the literal meaning of Nabi...?

(i) A person who conveys the message of Allah
(ii) A person who acts according to Shariah

(iii) A person who behaves nicely
(iv) A person who believes in the unity of Allah

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