حضرت عمر نے حضرت خالد بن ولید کو معزول کر کے کسی کو سپہ سالارمقرر کیا ؟...? Mcqs

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حضرت عمر نے حضرت خالد بن ولید کو معزول کر کے کسی کو سپہ سالارمقرر کیا ؟...?

(i) حضرت ابو عبیدہ بن الجراح
(ii) حضرت علیؓ

(iii) حضرت اسامہ بن زید
(iv) حضرت سعد بن ابی وقاص

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Which from the following countries is NOT a member of European Union...?

(i) Norway
(ii) Ireland

(iii) Malta
(iv) Estonia

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World Mental Health Day is observed every year on _____________...?

(i) October 10
(ii) October 12

(iii) October 13
(iv) October 11

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Instructions are written in machine language as:...?

(i) English Code
(ii) Binary Code

(iii) Link Code
(iv) Ne Monics

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America will withdraw its forces from Afghanistan from the year...?

(i) 2014
(ii) 2015

(iii) 2016
(iv) 2017

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Synonym of SUBJUGATE...?

(i) Confuse
(ii) Conquer

(iii) Cause to wither
(iv) None of these

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Antonym of Guilty is:...?

(i) Innocent
(ii) Humble

(iii) Clever
(iv) Proud

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Which country were involved in 100 year war...?

(i) Turkey and Austria
(ii) England and France

(iii) Palestine and Israel
(iv) Germany and Russia

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What PowerPoint feature will you use to apply motion effects to different objects of a slide...?

(i) Animation Objects
(ii) Animation Scheme

(iii) Slide Transition
(iv) Slide Design

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How many people died in sinking of titanic...?

(i) 1517
(ii) 759

(iii) 2000
(iv) 1380

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