رہبر کا متضاد لکھیں Mcqs

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رہبر کا متضاد لکھیں

(i) رہنما
(ii) قیادت

(iii) زہزن
(iv) تقلید

Latest MCQs

The Bari Doab is located between...?

(i) Jhelum and Chenab
(ii) Bias and Ravi

(iii) Ravi and Chenab
(iv) Bias and Chenab

Latest MCQs

The process of verifying the identity of user is termed as...?

(i) Validation
(ii) Authentication

(iii) Identification
(iv) Verification

Latest MCQs

In the early 1970s, Pakistan played a role in rapprochement between which two countries...?

(i) US and USSR
(ii) US and China

(iii) China and India
(iv) USSR and India

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The .......... was a gathering of 35 prominent Indian Muslim leaders led by the Aga Khan III at the Viceregal Lodge in Simla in October 1906...?

(i) Minto Conference
(ii) Delhi Convention

(iii) Simla Deputation
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

The bridge is constructed ____ the canal...?

(i) Over
(ii) Across

(iii) by
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Silk is produced by...?

(i) Larva of Silkworm
(ii) Eggs of silkworm

(iii) Pupa of silkworm
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Which of the following is one of the parts of the hindbrain?

(i) Hypothalamus
(ii) Cerebellum

(iii) Spinal cord
(iv) None of these

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Amapola Flyg is the airline of________...?

(i) Slovenia
(ii) Thailand

(iii) Malaysia
(iv) Sweden

Latest MCQs

When was the Olympic flag with five rings first introduced...?

(i) 1900
(ii) 1913

(iii) 1920
(iv) 1936

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