سب رس ملا وجہی نے کس شخصیت کے کہنے پر لکھی؟...? Mcqs

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سب رس ملا وجہی نے کس شخصیت کے کہنے پر لکھی؟...?

(i) محمد قلی قطب شاہ
(ii) فیروز شاہ تغلق

(iii) اورنگزیب عالمگیر
(iv) جہانگیر

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"First Pakistan Olympic Games" were inaugurated by Quaid-e-Azam at:...?

(i) Lahore
(ii) Karachi

(iii) East Pakistan
(iv) Quetta

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Mussolini is from which country...?

(i) Italy
(ii) France

(iii) Russia
(iv) None of these

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When were Hiroshima and Nagasaki hit by atom bombs...?

(i) August 1945
(ii) June 1945

(iii) April 1944
(iv) None of these

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Which is the only Asian country represented in the G-7 Groups...?

(i) Japan
(ii) India

(iii) China
(iv) Malaysia

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For what achievement did James Chadwick receive the Nobel Prize in 1935...?

(i) Discovery of the proton
(ii) Discovery of the neutron

(iii) Development of the atomic bomb
(iv) Discovery of radioactivity

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What is the synonysm for STRICTURE...?

(i) Stricness
(ii) Stinging

(iii) Censure
(iv) Discipline

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Which country in the the world is carbon negative country...?

(i) Singapore
(ii) Turkey

(iii) Bhutan
(iv) Poland

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Change the narration: I remember my sister taking me to the museum...?

(i) I remember being taken to the museum by my sister
(ii) I remember I was taken to the museum by my sister

(iii) I remember taken to the museum by my sister
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Quaid-e-Azam was born on ______...?

(i) 25 December 1875
(ii) 25 December 1876

(iii) 25 December 1877
(iv) None of these

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