فاختہ اڑانا کا کیا مطلب ہے؟...? Mcqs

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فاختہ اڑانا کا کیا مطلب ہے؟...?

(i) سفر کرنا
(ii) عیش کرنا

(iii) رنجیدہ ہونا
(iv) کام میں مصروف ہونا

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When 73 is added to 89 and amount is doubled, it gives the same result as the square of 18, what is the answer...?

(i) 164
(ii) 162

(iii) 324
(iv) 163

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Soap and detergents remove the dirt from clothes due to...?

(i) Capillary action
(ii) Osmosis

(iii) Diffusion
(iv) Lowering of interfacial tension

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شاعر کا کسی دوسرے شاعر کے کلام کو اپنے مجموعے میں شامل کرنا کہلاتا ہے۔ ...?

(i) تحریف
(ii) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

(iii) سرقه بازی
(iv) الحاقی کلام

Latest MCQs

In July 1951 Pakistan and France tied for...?

(i) To open embassy services in each country
(ii) Economic Ties

(iii) Mutual Trade
(iv) None of these

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In World War II which battle support was most needed...?

(i) Nuclear support
(ii) Air Support

(iii) Naval support
(iv) None of these

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Which country operated the world’s largest radio telescope Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope in September-2016...?

(i) USA
(ii) India

(iii) China
(iv) Norway

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In Which Country there is a ” Human Library ” where one can borrow a Person instead of a Book...?

(i) Denmark
(ii) Sweden

(iii) Norway
(iv) Mexico

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The longest mountain range...?

(i) Himalayas
(ii) Land Protection

(iii) Rocky Mountains
(iv) Andes

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_______ displays the content of active cell...?

(i) Row headings
(ii) Name box

(iii) Formula bar
(iv) None of these

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