نشان حیدر پانے والے افسران کی تعدادکیا ہے۔۔۔؟ Mcqs

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نشان حیدر پانے والے افسران کی تعدادکیا ہے۔۔۔؟

(i) 10
(ii) 11

(iii) 12
(iv) 13

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The last Super, A famous Renaissance painting was masterpiece of...?

(i) Titan
(ii) Michael Angelo

(iii) Leonardo de Vinci
(iv) Raphel

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جنگ آذادی کی ابتداء کہاں سے ہوئی

(i) میرٹھ
(ii) دہلی

(iii) لکھنئو
(iv) کراچی

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When did Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) buy a camel named Qaswi...?

(i) At the time of migration to Medina
(ii) Battle of Badr

(iii) Battle of Tabuk
(iv) None of these

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From the moon which structure on the land visible...?

(i) The great wall of China
(ii) burj Khalifa

(iii) Effel Tower
(iv) None of these

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On which of the follwing Zakat money can be spent...?

(i) Parents
(ii) Poor Muslims

(iii) Non Muslims
(iv) None of Them

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Hazrat bibi Ruqayyah (R.A) was the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and _________________...?

(i) Zaynab bint Khuzayma
(ii) Rayhana bint Zayd

(iii) Khadija bint Khuwaylid
(iv) Maria al-Qibtiyya

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Name the animal who sleep by one eye open____________...?

(i) Starfish
(ii) Shark

(iii) Elephent
(iv) Dolphin

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What lets you to create new presentation by selecting ready-made font color and graphics affects in PowerPoint?...?

(i) Presentation Template
(ii) Master slide

(iii) Design Template
(iv) Animation Scheme

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The idea of Pakistan was first conceived by:...?

(i) Quaid-e-Azam
(ii) Allama Iqbal

(iii) Sir Agha Khan
(iv) Shaukat Ali

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