“وَقُلْ رَّبِّ زِدۡنِىۡ عِلۡمًا” is a beautiful verse mentioned in surah...? Mcqs

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“وَقُلْ رَّبِّ زِدۡنِىۡ عِلۡمًا” is a beautiful verse mentioned in surah...?

(i) Ta-Ha
(ii) Ankaboot

(iii) Mujadila
(iv) Inaam

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Where is SCO’s standing body the “Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS)” based...?

(i) Shanghai
(ii) Delhi

(iii) Moscow
(iv) Tashkent

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The synonym of Outburst is:...?

(i) Static
(ii) Implosion

(iii) Paroxysm
(iv) Calm

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If an object falls 27m and rebounds two-thirds, what is the total distance...?

(i) 105m
(ii) 135m

(iii) 54m
(iv) 120m

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A hybrid computer:...?

(i) Resembles digital computer
(ii) Resembles analogue

(iii) Resembles both digital and analogue computer
(iv) None of these

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Light travels from Sun to Earth in...?

(i) 499 seconds
(ii) 599 seconds

(iii) 699 seconds
(iv) 799 seconds

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Synonym of TRITE_____________...?

(i) Minor
(ii) Sad

(iii) Commonplace
(iv) Swindler

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Choose one-word substitution of "A speech without any previous preparation"...?

(i) Temporary
(ii) Deliberately

(iii) Extempore
(iv) None of these

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How many organs are required to form a state...?

(i) 1
(ii) 2

(iii) 3
(iv) 4

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English channel separates England from:...?

(i) Italy
(ii) Germany

(iii) France
(iv) Sicily

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