کسی نبی کو قرآن پاک نے جادو سے مبرا قرار دیا ہے ؟...? Mcqs

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کسی نبی کو قرآن پاک نے جادو سے مبرا قرار دیا ہے ؟...?

(i) رسول اکرم صلی علیم
(ii) حضرت داؤد علیہ السلام

(iii) حضرت موسیٰ علیہ السلام
(iv) حضرت عیسی علیہ السلام

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جنگ آذادی کی ابتداء کہاں سے ہوئی

(i) میرٹھ
(ii) دہلی

(iii) لکھنئو
(iv) کراچی

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Where is the quick Access Toolbar and when should you use it...?

(i) upper-left corner and use it for your favorite commands
(ii) floats over your text and use it when you need to make formatting changes

(iii) Home tab and use it when you need to quickly launch or start new document
(iv) None of above

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Florence Nightingale was a...?

(i) Nurse
(ii) Soldier

(iii) Religious Reformer
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of WANE...?

(i) Employ
(ii) Decline

(iii) Rise
(iv) Revive

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Which plane was used to drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima:...?

(i) B-29
(ii) F-7

(iii) Viking
(iv) None of these

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What is the meaning of Iman-e-Mufassal...?

(i) The belief in brief
(ii) The belief in detail

(iii) The belief in all things
(iv) The belief in uncertain things

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Who is the real founder of Abbasid ...?

(i) Mamon
(ii) Jafar

(iii) Al-Mansur
(iv) None of these

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Which article of the constitution of 1973 is related to the affairs of Zakat:...?

(i) 31
(ii) 35

(iii) 76
(iv) 12

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Adam smith was famous:...?

(i) Economist
(ii) Historian

(iii) Physician
(iv) Scientist

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