کے ٹو پہاڑ کی کتنی اونچائی ہے۔۔۔؟ Mcqs

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کے ٹو پہاڑ کی کتنی اونچائی ہے۔۔۔؟

(i) 8622 M
(ii) 8611 M

(iii) 8652 M
(iv) 8623 M

Latest MCQs

Who was made wali of Makkah when Holy Prophet Left for Madina after stay of some days at Makkah after conquest of Makkah...?

(i) Hazrat Musab Bin Umair R.A
(ii) Hazrat Maaz Bin Jabal R.A

(iii) Hazrat Auttab Bin Usaid R.A
(iv) Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umer R.A

Latest MCQs

Complete the proverb: Where there is a ______ there is a way...?

(i) well
(ii) will

(iii) way
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Fax is an abbreviation of...?

(i) Famsimile
(ii) Lacsimiling

(iii) Phone
(iv) Facsimile

Latest MCQs

Human ,equator of the Earth is called ...?

(i) Equator
(ii) Equador

(iii) The Himalayas
(iv) The karakaram

Latest MCQs

Who is the author of book “Global Corruption: Money, Power, and Ethics in the Modern World”...?

(i) Laurence Cockcroft
(ii) K. K. Aziz

(iii) Trevor Noah
(iv) Adam Smith

Latest MCQs

According to new research which is the oldest disease...?

(i) Influenza
(ii) Malaria

(iii) Plague
(iv) Leprosy

Latest MCQs

Choose the correct spelling from the following ....?

(i) Superintendent
(ii) Superitendent

(iii) Superintanden
(iv) Supreintandent

Latest MCQs

Which of the following divine book is called ' Old Testament'...?

(i) Zuboor
(ii) Torait

(iii) Injeel
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Mehr-e-Do Neem is written by:...?

(i) Qateel Shifai
(ii) Iftikhar Arif

(iii) Ada Jafri
(iv) Bashir Badr

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