Choose the correct preposition. It can take over a iness like that..... month to get...? Mcqs

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Choose the correct preposition. It can take over a iness like that..... month to get...?

(i) up
(ii) over

(iii) out
(iv) for

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When wicket keeper bails out the wicket and batsman did not go for a run then what type of out...?

(i) Stumped
(ii) Bowled

(iii) Run out
(iv) None of these

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What is the synonym of Gigantic...?

(i) Grammed
(ii) Poky

(iii) Tiny
(iv) Huge

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Vitamin C is abundantly found in ...?

(i) Leman
(ii) Guava

(iii) Apple
(iv) Mango

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Which year India granted mist favored nation status to Pakistan...?

(i) 2005
(ii) 2006

(iii) 2007
(iv) None of these

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Peace Memorial Park is located in which country...?

(i) China
(ii) Russia

(iii) Japan
(iv) France

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Strait of Malacca is the main shipping channel between Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is located between:...?

(i) Indonesia & Malaysia
(ii) South Korea & North Korea

(iii) England & FranceNone of these
(iv) None of these

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The Synonym of Cheeky is...?

(i) Impudent
(ii) An easy choice

(iii) Mark the thumb on a legal paper
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following cannot be a part of an E-mail address:...?

(i) Underscore
(ii) Space

(iii) At sign
(iv) None of these

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Act of adultery in Islam is punishable with ________ lashes according to shariah...?

(i) 60
(ii) 75

(iii) 80
(iv) 100

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