Which part of the brain contains centers for the control of respiration, heart beat and blood pressure...? Mcqs

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Which part of the brain contains centers for the control of respiration, heart beat and blood pressure...?

(i) Medulla Oblongata
(ii) Medulla

(iii) Cerebellum
(iv) Cerebrum

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Which country in Africa was formerly known as Rhodesia...?

(i) south Africa
(ii) Zimbabwe

(iii) Zambia
(iv) Kenya

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To make an uncharged object to have a negative charge we must...?

(i) Remove some portion
(ii) Add some atoms

(iii) Add some electrons
(iv) None of these

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if 35 labourers dig 805 cubic meter of earth in 5 hrs how much of the earth will 30 labouees dig in 6 hrs...?

(i) 728 m3
(ii) 828 m3

(iii) 928 m3
(iv) None of these

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How many years was Hazrat Haroon (peace be upon him) older than Mousa (peace be upon him)...?

(i) 3 year
(ii) 2 year

(iii) 5 Year
(iv) None of these

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By default, your document prints with__________...?

(i) 1 inch top and bottom margins
(ii) a portrait orientation

(iii) 1.25 inches left and right margins
(iv) all of the above

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Jabal-e-Noor is situated in...?

(i) Arafat
(ii) Ghar-e-Hira

(iii) Ghar-Saur
(iv) Madina

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Select the pair which has the same relationship. FILTER:WATER...?

(i) Curtail : Activity
(ii) Censor : Play

(iii) Edit : Text
(iv) None of these

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1 Gigabyte is equal to _______...?

(i) 1024 bytes
(ii) 1024 bits

(iii) 1024 megabytes
(iv) 1024 terabytes

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Sungir archaeological site was discovered in _____ and archaeologist believe that it is ______ years-old burial site....?

(i) 1950 and 30,000
(ii) 1955 and 30,000

(iii) 1960 and 32,000
(iv) 1962 and 32,000

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