Who is the current Secretary General of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)...? Mcqs

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Who is the current Secretary General of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)...?

(i) Amjad Sial
(ii) Arjun Thapa

(iii) Esala Ruwan Weerakoon
(iv) None of these

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Name the term on which acting upon it is not rewarding but it is also not a sin if you do not act upon it what is about it...?

(i) Makruh-i-Tanzihi
(ii) Makruh-i-Tehrimi

(iii) Mubah
(iv) Mustahab

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Mariupol is famous city of _________...?

(i) Russia
(ii) Ukraine

(iii) U.K
(iv) Peru

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The CPEC "Early Harvest" plan includes a complete overhaul of the 1,687-kilometer-long Main Line 1 railway [ML-1] between ________ and Peshawar...?

(i) Karachi
(ii) Quetta

(iii) Gwadar
(iv) Lahore

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The largest idol named in kaaba was ...?

(i) Hubal
(ii) jabal

(iii) Tabal
(iv) Haleeb

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The most prestigious literary award “The Booker Prize” first awarded in which year...?

(i) 1999
(ii) 2000

(iii) 2005
(iv) 1969

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Guess the closest possible meanings of the given idiom from the options given below:Cut the mustard...?

(i) To leave the job
(ii) To get injured

(iii) To come up to expectations
(iv) None of these

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Treaty of Lausanne was signed in ____________...?

(i) 1922
(ii) 1923

(iii) 1924
(iv) 1925

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It is difficult to give ______ smoking...?

(i) on
(ii) off

(iii) up
(iv) of

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Entomology is the scientific study of ______...?

(i) Humans
(ii) Insects

(iii) Rocks
(iv) Birds

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